Νέα θέματα διπλωματικών – Μάρτιος 2025 New publication:R4Alz-R: a cutting-edge tool for spotting the very first and subtle signs of aging-related cognitive impairment with high accuracy Νέα θέματα διπλωματικών – Οκτώβριος 2024 New publication:On-Road Autonomous Vehicle Navigation In A Dynamic Environment Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Towards Fuel Consumption Optimization New publication: Enhancing Code Readability through Automated Consistent Formatting LOOK, A MODEL, GO TALK TO IT! Διαθέσιμες διπλωματικές ISSEL περιόδου Φεβρουαρίου 2024 Νέα θέματα διπλωματικών – Σεπτέμβριος 2023 New publication: Employing Source Code Quality Analytics for Enriching Code Snippets Data Special Issue “Multimodal Sensing Technologies for IoT and AI-Enabled Systems” New publication: A Low-Code Approach for Connected Robots Νέα θέματα διπλωματικών – Απρίλιος 2023 New publication: R4Alz-Revised: A Tool Able to Strongly Discriminate ‘Subjective Cognitive Decline’ from Healthy Cognition and ‘Minor Neurocognitive Disorder New publication: Pose Selection and Feedback Methods in Tandem Combinations of Particle Filters with Scan-Matching for 2D Mobile Robot Localisation New publication: “Is the Discrimination of Subjective Cognitive Decline from Cognitively Healthy Adulthood and Mild Cognitive Impairment Possible? A Pilot Study Utilizing the R4Alz Battery” New publication: “Trajectory Planning of a Moving Robot Empowers 3D Localization of RFID Tags with a Single Antenna.” New book chapter: “Robotics Meets RFID for Simultaneous Localization (of Robots and Objects) and Mapping(SLAM) – A Joined Problem” New publication: “SLAM for autonomous planetary rovers with global localization” Andreas Symeonidis talk in Kalamaria Municipality: “Robotics and Internet of Things” New publication: “REMEDES for Alzheimer-R4Alz Battery: Design and Development of a New Tool of Cognitive Control Assessment for the Diagnosis of Minor and Major Neurocognitive Disorders” New publication: “Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of ROS-Enabled Local and Global Planners in 2D Static Environments” 21/10/2019 Nao4All graphical programming tool – How does it work? REMEDES @ Έκθεση Τεχνολογίας και Φεστιβάλ Επιστημών 6ου Γυμνασίου Θεσσαλονίκης 13/10/2019 RoboPacman – How does it work? R4A @ Thessaloniki International Fair 2019 14/9/2019 R4A GSOC 2019 mentoring for “Creation of an online Greek mail dictation system, using Sphinx and personalized acoustic/language model training” Andreas Symeonidis talk on “Wearables, applications and remote medical observation” @ Onassis Health Day 2019, Health and Society: Future Dialogues 11/2/2019 REMEDES/R4Alz presentation @ 11th PICAD & 3rd MECOND New publication: “A Comparative Analysis of Pattern Matching Techniques Towards OGM Evaluation” 11/7/2019 R4A @ 1st Greece RoboCon 17/6/2019 R4A showcasing REMEDES @ ATLAS TV news 11/6/2019 REMEDES delivery in EEEEK Klkis 5/6/2019 R4A hosting the PacMan robotic competition @ Pre-SFHMMY R4A Automation Engineering Hackathon 8/4/2019 EEEEK Kilkis visit in the R4A premises 22/2/2019 Brainrun meets Remedes @ TIF 2018 R4Alz in 33rd International Conference of ADI @ Chicago 29/6/2018 PANDORA team in Ιστορίες @ SKAI 6/6/2018 R4A Best Paper Award and Finalist of Best Paper Award in ICCR2017 22-23/11/2017 REMEDES @ Auth In City 08/10/2017 REMEDES @ Researcher’s Night Greece 29/09/2017 REMEDES @ 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair 9-17/9/2017